i'm pulling back the curtain on how i've prioritzed client experience, streamlined my business, and seen success

investing in your business is a big deal

mentorship sessions

Business organization

When I first started my business, I knew next to nothing and believe me, it showed. Through trial, error, and growth I've been able to fine-tune my business into the well-oiled machine it is today. I'm shedding light on my tools for success and how I prioritize my mental space in a business that can feel, well, personal at the best of times. I mean, we are combining our art with capturing people's most treasured moments and this is definitely something that shouldn't be taken lightly.

Let's get started!

a true-to-color, candid loving, & nostalgia preserving photographer

Becca dietz here!

there's no gatekeeping here

Trust me, you want in on this magic

And you can get 25% off 

We love a good deal over here + leaving absolutely no money out on the table. Make sure to take advantage of 25% off for your first 12 months using Honeybook!

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First impressions are important! And so are second, third, and final impressions. That's where organization from using a CRM comes in.

In order to keep myself organized from the minute an inquiry arrives in my inbox all the way to that final gallery delivery date, Honeybook is a must have in my business. I use this software everyday for tasks such as sending contracts, invoices, automated emails, client questionnaires... really, you name it, I'm utilizing Honeybook for it. 

if there's one thing you shouldn't be sleeping on, it's a customer relationship management system

Need a CRM?

learn from me in a 1:1 deep-dive into your business where nothing is off the table

mentorship sessions

If you're like me, then there is nothing quite like connecting with another creative in the industry for some personalized support in your business and gaining some clear direction.

Before our session, I'll send over a document where you can list out ALL of your questions. Anything from how to successfully provide a strong foundation for your business, seek inspiration & direction, to everything I've learned and wish I knew when I first picked up my camera is fair game!

book your session


Sessions start at 

thank you for reaching out!

Once you've filled out the contact form, I'll be in touch so that we can finalize a meeting time. 

I could not have envisioned a better human to learn from. I have always loved photography, but I had a lot of questions about how to take my little business to the next level. Becca’s approach to mentoring is so organized and detailed. Not to mention how knowledgeable she is about the industry, and how many tips and tricks she has to make transitioning to full time photography possible. I went into our first meeting pretty nervous, but she was so easy going and fun to talk to! I left that session feeling like I just had coffee with a friend, except that friend was a serious beast in the photography industry who just helped me grow as a business owner and an artist."

kind words from alyssa butterfield

“Being mentored by Becca was the best thing to happen to me and my photography business after moving to Colorado.